Gramodaya was established in the year 1982, registered as a Non-Governmental Organization under the Tamil Nadu State Registration Act of 1975. Its formal launch was the culmination of a decade long interaction of its founder with the people of the dry region in Tamil Nadu during which he got sensitized some of the due predicament of the people particularly landless and outcaste communities suffered at large. The NGO, Gramodaya, resolved to cater to the immediate needs of the affected children, women, landless and marginal farmers of this region. The life of the landless people belongs to outcaste community was a miserable spectacle twenty years ago. The landless outcaste people were the victims of ruthless exploitation and manipulation and the small scale farmers were having a hand to mouth existences and were immense in depth all along their life. The women of this region were in a double jeopardy; of belonging to weaker sex and at the same time having put in a hard manual labor to fetch a subsistence level of income to the family. Child education among the groups was chosen as the entry point by the NGO. Gramodaya is a grass root level organization engaged in creating social awareness among the rural communities to make use of the available local resources of the Government, philanthropic agencies existing in India and abroad towards social and economical changes in the society. It works under the principle “The Welfare of All” propounded by Mahatma Gandhi. Gramodaya is an organization exclusively serving the socio-economical depressed groups in Manaparai, in one of the 33 panchayat unions of Trichy district. Gramodaya is associated with 45 villages. It seeks to create self sustaining rural communities through a process of their socio-economic and psychological invigoration. Such a process of resurgence involves a complex continuum of psycho socio-economic action.
Gramodaya is one of the dedicated Social Service Organizations committed to peace, non-violence and equality in South India. It keeps a broad human behavior outlook by reaching out to the needy people irrespective of the differences in terms of religion, caste and region. Gramodaya probed deep into the heart of rural India. Sought out the problems of its poor and identified areas where they could contribute effectively and change the social order to create a more enlightened and healthy environment. Today Gramodaya is on the threshold of planning its operations to the underprivileged in society. It recognized the enormity of the task that lies ahead. Identifying those who really need help. Monitoring the progress of its plans from conception to its successful implementation. Ascertaining that the benefits reach those it was intended for. Gramodaya is however determined and committed to the task it has set out for itself.
Villages Reached
Families Reached
Women Benefitted
Children Benefitted
Farmers Benefitted